What is Gray Divorce?
Gray divorce is on the rise globally, and for good reason. The reasons are complex, but boil down to three main points: many couples married and had children later in life, more women are earning incomes independently, and with over 50% of people in mid-life today looking to live past 85, the prospect of “putting up with” someone they’ve been long married to seems less palatable. Whatever the individual reasons may be, gray divorces are becoming increasingly common and here to stay.
1. What is gray divorce?
Gray divorce is simply a divorce that takes place later in life, typically when both spouses are over the age of 50. This type of divorce is becoming increasingly common globally as Baby Boomers reach retirement age.
There are a few factors that have contributed to the rise of gray divorce. For one, couples are getting married and having children later in life. This means that they are more likely to experience an “empty nest” once their children leave for college or move out of the house. An empty nest can prompt a hard look at what they want out of life, and for some, that means seeking a divorce.
2. The benefits of gray divorce
There are many benefits to gray divorce, such as being able to start fresh in a new phase of life. This can be an opportunity to pursue hobbies that were put on the back burner during child-rearing years, or to travel and see the world. It can also be a chance to focus on personal well-being, without the stress of an unhappy marriage.
Another big benefit is that gray divorcees often have more financial stability than those who divorce earlier in life. This is because they are typically closer to retirement age and thus have had more time to save for the future. Additionally, many women over the age of 50 are earning incomes independently, which can make gray divorce much more manageable financially.
Gray divorcees often have a better sense of who they are and what they want out of life. This can make the gray divorce process less complicated and contentious than younger divorces.
3. The challenges of gray divorce
While gray divorce comes with many benefits, some challenges come along with it. One of the biggest challenges is the potential for isolation. This is because gray divorcees often find themselves in the unique position of being divorced and single at an age when most people are married and have families. This can make it difficult to find others in similar situations to relate to and can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Another challenge of gray divorce is the potential for financial instability. This is because gray divorcees are often closer to retirement age, and thus have less time to recover financially from the divorce. They may also be more likely to have health problems that require expensive treatments.
gray divorce can be a challenging time, but it can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
4. How to make the process easier
If you find yourself in the midst of a gray divorce, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. First, it is important to have realistic expectations. The divorce process can be long and complicated, and it is important to be patient. Second, try to stay positive and focus on the future. This can be difficult, but it is important to remember that gray divorce is an opportunity for a new beginning. Be sure to reach out to your support system. This can include friends, family members, or even professional counselors such as Doreen Jansen Family Therapy.
Gray divorce can be difficult, but by being prepared and staying positive, you can make the process easier.
5. Moving on after a gray divorce
Once the divorce is final, it is important to focus on moving forward. This means taking the time to heal emotionally and mentally from the divorce. It is also important to focus on rebuilding your life in a way that makes you happy. This can include pursuing new hobbies, traveling, or even starting a new business. Whatever you do, be sure to focus on your happiness.
A gray divorce can be a difficult and emotional time. But by being prepared, staying positive, and focusing on your own happiness, you can make the process easier and start fresh in a new phase of life.
If you or someone you know is going through a gray divorce, Doreen Jansen Family Therapy can help. We specialize in helping individuals and families through difficult times. Contact us today to learn more about our services.