Doreen Jansen Family Care

Teens and Tech: Guiding Healthy Social Media Use in Turbulent Times

In today’s digital age, social media is an integral part of teen life. It’s where they connect with friends, express themselves, and stay informed about the world. However, during times of crisis or uncertainty, the constant stream of news, opinions, and online content can become overwhelming—especially for young minds still developing emotional resilience. As parents […]

Navigating ‘Crisis Fatigue’: Maintaining Emotional Well-Being in an Age of Constant Breaking News

In today’s hyperconnected world, it’s nearly impossible to escape the relentless stream of breaking news. From natural disasters and political unrest to global health crises and social injustices, the headlines often feel overwhelming. This constant exposure to distressing events can lead to a phenomenon known as “crisis fatigue”—a state of emotional exhaustion and burnout caused by […]

Breaking the Doom-Scrolling Cycle: Tips for Families in a Digitally Overwhelmed World

1. Ever Find Yourself Lost in a Bottomless Pit of Negative Headlines? If you’ve caught yourself late at night, phone in hand, eyes stuck on a stream of bad news with no end in sight, you’re experiencing “doom-scrolling.” It’s that addictive loop where one bleak headline leads to another, and suddenly an hour has vanished. […]